REGENERATIVE: We direct our efforts at regenerative forms of agriculture. This includes no chemicals, ever. Instead, we practice cover cropping, composting, crop rotation and minimum tillage all with the hopes of developing a balanced soil ecosystem of both bacteria and fungus. The soil that develops from these practices bursts into life and offers much more nutrients, water and carbon holding capacity as well as helps plants be disease resistant. It is an exciting time to be a regenerative farmer, sustainability is not enough in our degraded environment but the promise of regeneration has lots to say about addressing climate change if enough people begin to participate. Everything benefits; plants, people and planet.
URBAN: We make use of the space around us in the belief that city spaces—though often small in themselves—can, as a collected whole, be productive and green- more vibrant and interesting- than our traditional uses of yard space. Our enterprise continues to experiment with the agricultural possibilities that Calgary has to offer.
LOCAL: We honour the importance of place and want to address the growing geographic disconnect between food consumers and food producers in a world where the average food item can travel hundreds or thousands of kilometres from field to plate.We develop a relationship with the soil committing to grow flavourful, synthetic chemical free, nutrient-rich vegetables and herbs within blocks of where we live, shop, and dine.
BEAUTIFUL: We see a great deal of beauty in the growth of a full urban garden—not just in the sight of bright green vegetable rows, the bright blossoms and fruits of flowering plants but also in the buzzing of industrious insects and the singing of the birds who are drawn to them, as well as in the scents of fresh herbs and flowers and of rich, dark soil. Calgary has a taste, a terroir, can you taste it?
CONNECTED: We understand that our health is dependent on our interconnectedness to all living things. As urban farmers we connect to the soil, we connect to our generous yard owners, we connect to customers who enjoy our harvest box and we connect to chefs who create local art with our plants. As humans, our need for connection is clear. When we work with our hands engaging in good work we connect to our own bodies as a source of creative vitality. This connectedness creates an abundance of life.
Our Goals
1. To regenerate the soil through composting, minimum tillage and cover cropping watching the soil return to health and vitality.
2. To generate income in a way that I can be proud of.
3. To capture carbon through regenerative farming practices.
4. To collaborate in building an alternative localized food system that is resilient in the face of climate disruption and rising distribution costs.
5. To inform and educate our fellow eaters to become food secure by learning how to grow their own food.